Student spotlight: Olivia Daugherty ’24, Bluffton University


by Bluffton University and available here

Completing an “eye-opening” internship

Olivia Daugherty serves as Bluffton’s Campus Climate Ambassador, program director for 96.1 The Wit, a resident advisor and vice president of Hall Association.

Olivia Daugherty ’24, a communication and media major from Bradford, Ohio, spent the summer in Washington, D.C., as a Climate Change Ambassador for the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative (ACC).

“A big part of my job was to make policy briefs for the Mennonite Central Committee office, looking at bills, highlighting the most important parts and putting them into-non-government language so the people in my office could have a better idea of what’s going on in the U.S. climate front,” said Daugherty.

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