High academic standards – coupled with Anabaptist values – prepare graduates from Mennonite colleges and universities for success in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Distinctives: Values-based Education
Community – On campus and across the globe, students of Mennonites colleges and universities are shaped by experiencing connection to broader community. Each campus is a supportive, nurturing environment that extends care to each other and beyond themselves.
Faith Formation – Though our colleges and universities are rooted in the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition, our students come from varied faith and cultural traditions. Many different perspectives are welcome and respected on our campuses. You will explore and build on what you brought with you to campus to solidify your own faith and values.
Service – Near campus or abroad, as a student or after graduation, for a day, semester or a lifetime, giving back and giving forward is how many students of Mennonite colleges and universities find their way to meaningful connection with their faith and others.
Peacemaking and Social Justice – Inspired by the teachings of Jesus, and other pioneers of creative non-violence, restorative justice and reconciliation, at a Mennonite college or university, you’ll learn to leverage your skills and talents for the greater good.

We also offer several jointly administered programs. Learn more >>