Intergenerational Faith Formation

For intergenerational ministry settings, worship and faith formation are often intertwined. In many churches, worship is the most likely setting for intergenerational interaction, yet there are many settings in which children, youth and adults can grow in faith together. Every congregation will find the practices and settings that work best for its unique context. On September 14, 2021, Shana Peachey Boshart, Mennonite Church USA denominational minister for Faith Formation, hosted a roundtable conversation on intergenerational ministry. Three pastors shared from their experiences:
  • Lora Nafziger, pastor of Christian Formation from Assembly Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana
  • Melissa Spolar, minister of Children & Youth, Pasadena (California) Mennonite Church
  • Zachary Martinez, pastor, Sojourn Mennonite Church, Greeley and Fort Collins, Colorado
Here is the recording of their input, which kicked off the Roundtable conversation. They addressed these questions:
  • Why are you enthusiastic about intergenerational ministry?
  • How have people welcomed or resisted this concept?
  • What resources have you found to support your efforts?


  • Current from ShineCurrent provides worship resources, plans for intergenerational sessions and plans for age group sessions. Perfect for the summer months, or use any time of year.
  • GenOn Ministries – Offers training, curriculum, thought leadership and podcasts on intergenerational worship and faith formation.
  • MessyChurchA model of church that is intentionally intergenerational. A church can adopt the Messy Church model of intergenerational worship or just use the resources and ideas in certain times and settings.
  • Lifelong Faith
  • WDC Resource Library – The Western District Conference Resource Library has resources for intergenerational activities. Individuals and congregations outside WDC may use the library for a modest fee.


See Carrie Mast’s Menno Snapshots blog on intergenerational ministry, here, published just before the Roundtable.

A charge for pastors and lay leaders:

Sisters and Brothers,
The Lord has done great things for us;
With power and deeds of wonder Our God has saved us!
The God we have heard and known,
The faith our forebears have taught us—
We will share with the next generation;
We will tell them the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord!

Adapted from Psalm 78:3-4

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