Resource Topic: Faith at Home

Weekly Household Devotions

Find weekly household devotions that follow the Revised Common Lectionary at They’re organized in weekly units that can also be done daily.

Missio Dei Breviary

A four-week cycle of morning and evening prayers. Scripture texts focus on the Sermon on the Mount, Luke’s parables, Jesus’ words in John, and Mark’s

Let the Children Come to Me

Explore together with your children the stories and practices that will form you as Jesus’ disciples in the Anabaptist tradition. This winsome 60-page book is

Vibrant Faith

Vibrant Faith is pleased to offer all of the activities that were published on the Vibrant Faith @Home website for your use. 

Bible Memory Verses

A list of Shine at Home Bible Memory Verses, arranged by age, that help kids and families explore the Bible story.

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