Peaceful Options for Training and Careers (POTC) counters military recruitment


by Camille Dager for Mennonite Church USA and available here

POTC volunteer counselor training. (Left to right, top row) Titus Peachey, Max Lewis, Brad Boyd-Kennedy, (middle row) Fred Suter (not shown), Rick Yoder, Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, Melissa Atchinson, (bottom row) Tim Godshall, Randall Koehler, Scott Roser (Counselors not pictured) Ruth Keidel Clemens, Eldon Epp. Photo by Camille Dager, Mennonite Church USA.

Peaceful Options for Training and Careers (POTC), an independent initiative formed by Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee, has begun training volunteer counselors to help young adults find non-military career, service and training opportunities. Titus Peachey, a retired MCC peace educator, led the most recent training session on Jan. 18, 2024, via Zoom.

“This is a fascinating and meaningful experiment,” Peachey said to the eight attending volunteers. He explained their role, saying, “We are a resource. We will walk alongside, listen, ask questions and offer resources and suggestions. We will not tell our callers what to do. We will try to find a good balance between providing information and allowing our callers to find their own answers.”

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