By Janeen Bertsche Johnson, MDiv, Director of Campus Ministries for AMBS and available here

2016, AMBS received a small grant from the now-defunct Seminary Stewardship Alliance to create signs for its prairie to identify some of the plants there. AMBS alumni added more money to the fund in response to a special appeal in 2017. In the fall of 2022, I marked a path, which was then mowed and mulched by Norm Cender and Orion Blaha of the Maintenance and Campus Security Team.
Sixteen markers designed and engraved by Andrew Hudson (MDiv 2023) with the assistance of Camp Friedenswald in Cassopolis, Michigan, were placed in the east prairie this summer. The markers identify several grasses (big bluestem, little bluestem, side oats grama, switchgrass) and wildflowers (prairie dock, rosinweed, coneflower, mountain mint, bergamot, rattlesnake master, etc.) along the path.